Total Eclipse of the sun on August 21, 2017

On August 21, 2017 an eclipse of the sun will occur over a long narrow path that cuts across the United States west to east. I’m making plans to go. Last eclipse I got to see was in the early 1990’s in Baja California. Current plans are for setting up around the boarder of Oregon and Idaho. We did not have cloud problems in Baja California but they did have cloud cover on main land Mexico. Plans to be made and changed. Got to be flexible and ready to out run the clouds. It shouldn’t be as hot as it was down at the southern tip of Baja California near the equator.


Write on, draw on.   Professor Voltage.

Merry festival worship of Durga

I have a friend in India who is celebrating  Festival Worship of Durga. So how does one send greetings for this occasion? I wish you a merry Festival Worship of Durga, doesn’t sound good in English. No telling how it would translate. Have a happy Festival Worship of Durga, that doesn’t sound much better. Have a Glorious Festival Worship of Durga? The festival is about getting away from greed. Have a cleansing Festival Worship of Durga. Doesn’t sound to good but has the right spirit.

Let me know what you think and happy Navratra.


Write on, draw on.  Professor Voltage.