San Diego comic fest

This is not the San Diego comic con, this is better.

This is a convention of makers and doers of comics. It’s small enough that you can have a conversation with those that are making and have made comics without standing in line for hours.

This year the convention celebrated the 100 birthday of Jack Kerby. Lots of Kerby artwork on the walls. One artist created large statues of Kirby themed and Kink Kong themed works. Big enough to stand in and have towering over you while your picture is taken.

The comic fest was held at a new location. All activities were on the first floor. Very wheel chair friendly. For those of us staying in the hotel the parking was free. You don’t find that at many San Diego hotels. Artist alley was spread out with plenty of elbow room and room to expand. Not like the old hotel.

A shopping center was only a few blocks away and there were plenty of places to eat outside the hotel.

The rooms for the presentations and panels were a bit small and sometimes filled to overflowing.

And as hard as the staff tried it is almost impossible to get some of the panel members to stop talking.

I attended two talks on Mars rovers. Good talks.

I attended one talk on using Adobe software to build the frames or panel on a comic book page. Adobe software is too expensive for me, but you have to get all the techniques you can find.

Attended a panel on the upcoming solar eclipse. Get your special glasses to view the eclipse now.

Talked to several (OK I hound them, badgered them) artist on artist row for pointers on coloring and drawing. I also bought books and drawings for those I talked to.

The dealer’s room was full.

It rained getting there and while the convention was going on. But once there I stayed inside and the rain let up so I could go for breakfast and dinner without getting soaked.

Stay strong, write on.            Professor Hyram Voltage

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