Writing advice from a real writer

The other night I tripped over a YouTube video of an interview of JK Rowling.

The video was made in 1998 and she was working on her second Harry Porter book.

It shows her in a coffee shop or tea cafe having a cup of something (it never showed her drinking form the cup) and writing long hand on unlined paper. Of course she has beautiful hand writing. (and yes there are times that I can not read my own hand writing so I type what I write but I do write in a note book and have a note book with me at all times).

Writing long hand is quicker than printing but more importantly it forces you to get your thoughts straight before you put them down.

There was no loud music at the shop. The shop was not crowded during the filming and the conversation in the back ground was not loud. Not like the big-name chain coffee shops around here. Packs with kids or young adults, noise and distractions.

Side note she pronouns her last name as Row-ling not Rowl-ing.

Now get out there and write.


Write on, draw on.   Professor Voltage

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