Entries by Great_Leader

Reading your novel, script, work out loud

Last night I attended our local screenwriters group’s meeting. At the meetings we table read  five to six pages of scripts that a member brings in. A table read is where different members play the part of characters as the script is read out loud. Reading one script (there were three scripts we read last […]

The second printing of a digital book

You’ve written one or a dozen books after you uploaded your first digital book. You’ve written tens of thousands of words for blog post, articles or even short fiction works. Now is the time to go through your first digital books and make them better. Many authors say their first book or first half a […]

Should I add a vampire to my story?

To add a vampire or not add a vampire. To sell more books or not to sell more books. That is the question.   It’s easier, lazier to throw in a Vampire. Do I surrender to a quick sell? Do I hold out for my vision?   My beta reader says make him a vampire. […]

Friends of the Library and old books

As I was taking my morning walk today, I swung by the city library. When I walked in they were putting out a new load of books from the ‘Friends of the Library’. People donate books to the Friends of the Library and the Friends sell the books at very modest price with the proceeds […]

Are Commas necessary?

No not really. Microsoft recently release a study of documents written on computers running Windows software. One of the big finding is that too many people use too many commas in their writing. That doesn’t answer the question of where they got the documents and where they store those documents. They say there is no […]

Comma, The Revenge of the

It’s amazing that Watson, the IBM computer, can diagnosis cancer, but it can not tell you where to place a comma in an English sentence. Of course you can’t get two different English grammar teachers to agree where to put a comma (in all cases). Those teacher will give you an F if you don’t […]

Writing and grammar

Warning Rant Below. I had a talk with a budding young writer the other day. When I mentioned the  trouble I had with grammar she said let the editor take care of it. This may be an attitude of the cell phone generation, but I strive to do quality work. I work hard to make […]

San Diego comic fest

This is not the San Diego comic con, this is better. This is a convention of makers and doers of comics. It’s small enough that you can have a conversation with those that are making and have made comics without standing in line for hours. This year the convention celebrated the 100 birthday of Jack […]