Entries by Great_Leader

The Race to Totality, Day 2

You think after driving over 13 hours the day before we would take it a little easy toady. Wrong. Looking at my carefully made plans my friend said we should visit Crater lake. That only involved driving a quarter of the way across Oregon. All two lane roads through the mountains. I should have realized […]

Writing on the road and all the time

There are plenty of writers that brag that they write every day. Think Ray Bradbury (if you have never heard of him look him up and read him, he even wrote poetry). That may be possible if you’re like the old magazine publisher Wayne Green. He had his wife drive him to work while he […]

On the road to the Eclipse August 2017

We left Klystronia central at oh dark 30. Stopped to grab a doughnut and we’re off. Took the back roads from Oxnard California to highway 126. Headed east to the 5 freeway. Turned north and up over the grape vine (the mountain pass from LA to the central valley of California). Starting up the grape […]

Writing and Time, not enough of either

I’m writing like mad on book three, and I’m behind. That means it’s Tuesday and I forgot to update the blog. It’s called focus. I have a 3,000 word goal per week. That’s 3,000 words that has been self edited several times. This week I’m behind by 2,500 words for the last two weeks. I […]

Amazon is in for some culture shock

Amazon is buying Whole Foods. I think they are in for a rude awakening. Amazon is in the business of selling anything (within legal limits). Whole Foods is in the business of selling green (as in wholesome) food. Walmart is the biggest seller of food and sells only a little green food. There are going […]

The Anti-Hero’s Journey

Writing instructors and gurus have been obsessed and dogmatic in pushing the hero’s journey style of story telling to new writers. What if they’re wrong? One premise of the hero’s journey style of writing is you start the story with the hero or protagonist in the normal world. I don’t know about you, but my […]

Slugging on

The Memorial Day weekend was a big weekend for me. I had a friend drive 300 miles to help me work on an antenna. Not just any antenna, one that I can use to bounce radio signals off the moon with. It will take a pair of them, and they are each thirty feet long. […]

Holidays and Writing

Holidays and writing don’t mix. I had visitors this memorial day holiday. That means I had to clean the place up a little so they wouldn’t trip over the junk in the living room, or any other room for that matter. It also meant deep cleaning the bathroom and other such fun stuff. Yeah, fun […]

Readers Can’t Read Your (the Author’s) Mind

Yesterday, I was at the writer’s meeting. And yes there is no rest for the wicked and writers. Does that mean that wicked writers are insomniacs? During the review of a fellow writer’s weekly output, I found that her protagonist did not act right (in character) at the end of manuscript.  The writer said that she […]