Entries by Great_Leader

Change can be real, go read a book

The stock market taught me that when everyone say “this time it’s different,” it’s not. The dot com bubble proved the world is still filled with greedy people, and people can still be fooled by hype and marketing. As P. T. Barnum said “there’s one born every minute.” At today’s population explosion rate, there’s one […]

How much does it cost to write an ebook?

A lot more that you would think. I recently ran across a blog titled; The True Cost of Self-Publishing a Book. Interesting article. If you peruse the infographic (the link to the infographic is buried in the text) you will find that authors that use the Reedsy service pay an average of $4800.00 for editing […]

Beta Readers, Another Perspective

I recently read a blog about Beta Readers from writer G. D. Leon. He agreed and differed from Jenna Moreci on points about Beta Readers. The blog is at https://blog.reedsy.com/working-with-beta-readers?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=gd.leon.success.story Mr. Leon divided his readers into Alpha Readers and Beta Readers. Granted he only had two Alpha readers. To him an Alpha reader is the […]

You know you’re a writer when

Today it was not raining, the temperature was above 56 degrees and it was sunny. Hey this is Southern California and anything below 55 degrees is cold. Especially with the wind off the ocean. I had yards to mow. The back yard needed cleaning. The flower pots are full of weeds. Junk needs to be […]

Beta Readers, Great to Have but Hard to Get

I’m looking for Beta Readers and I stumbled across Jenna Moreci’s Youtube videos about how she finds Beta Readers and how she works with them. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSCy9t9kE54 for her video titled; Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Beta Readers also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMMyttS_YUk titled; Getting the Most Out of Your Beta Readers I tried implementing […]

Why so few Engineers are writers

Engineers are solitary creatures. Preferring to work by themselves. So it would seem that they would be perfect for being writers. The problem is working with others. The term “Engineering Team” is an oxymoron. An engineer is trained to take a big problem and break it into small solvable pieces. There is no team in, […]

Digging The Line

Sung to the tune of Draggin’ the Line, Sewer line that is (sung to the tune of the theme song of the Beverly Hillbillies). Fourteen feet doesn’t sound that long. It is if you have to crawl under a house, a long way under the house, and dig out fourteen feet of four inch, cast […]

Time for Reflection

It was hard growing up. Not much money. Yet all year my parents would save some for Christmas. It hurt them to use the money to pay some bill they had to pay right now. Even us kids would send what little money we had to buy presents for others. Mother helping us wrap presents […]

War within Amazon Publishing

I got an email from Michelle Campbell-Scott. I bought a course from her. She said that CreateSpace is requesting that authors and publisher remove all Amazon URLs (to their books) from their manuscripts or add two other places where the books are available. Sounds like war between KDP and CreateSpace. KDP is now offering the […]

Using lead free solder for plumbing

Had to help a neighbor fix a plumbing problem. A leak where the water main enters the outside wall of his house. Hey, there a drought going on and it was a weekend. I’ve used lead free solder for years, but I sometimes have a problem making a good joint with it. I always make […]